Fuel Surcharge

Due to continuing fuel price fluctuations, TNT applies an index-based fuel surcharge to all shipments. This approach provides our customers with a transparent charging mechanism for fuel costs, where the fuel surcharge rises or falls in line with movements in the fuel price.

European invoicing countries (excluding UK and Ireland)

The fuel surcharge for European invoicing countries is based on the London Brent Crude Oil spot price. Crude Oil is the base material for the production of jet fuel and truck diesel. This is considered the appropriate index base for Europe where TNT has an extensive air and road network.

More information about the fuel surcharge in Europe

United Kingdom and Ireland invoicing region

More information about the fuel surcharge in UK and Ireland

ASPAC and MEA invoicing countries

The fuel surcharge for ASPAC and MEA invoicing countries is based on Dubai Fateh Crude Oil.

More information about the fuel surcharge in ASPAC and MEA

American invoicing countries (North and South America)

The fuel surcharge for North and South America is based on the US Gulf Coast (USGC) spot price for a gallon of kerosene-type jet fuel. This method is closely aligned to the North and South market price for jet fuel.

More information about the fuel surcharge in North America
More information about the fuel surcharge in South America